Educational Development Plans

The board of a school district or board of directors of a public school academy shall provide the opportunity for each pupil to develop an educational development plan during grade 7, and shall ensure that each pupil reviews his or her educational development plan during grade 8 and revises it as appropriate before he or she begins high school.

The board of a school district or board of directors of a public school academy shall also ensure that each pupil reviews and revises his or her educational development plan as appropriate during each year of high school. (PA 230)

Xello is a tool utilized by most school districts in Macomb County for students to complete their Educational Development Plan. Xello allows students to explore careers, post-secondary options, and take self assessment to careers that best match their personality.

To assist local school districts guide their students through their EDP the Macomb Intermediate School District has assembled Recommended Xello EDP Completion Standards for grades 6-12. This document can be used to plan a students journey and build upon the previous years work.

Download the full guide

EDP Resources:

Xello Login

Michigan Career Development Model

Career Outlook Guides

By: Michigan Bureau of Labor Market Information and Strategic Initiatives